Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.
– Peter Senge
Although the limited amount of knowledge shared, and utilised, have helped mankind survive and evolve as an intelligent and productive species, there is still a lot to be desired in terms of utilising existing knowledge and creating new knowledge.Reasons for this disparity can be the way knowledge is created, generated, stored, transferred, validated and consumed.
As John Naisbitt right put it : (*1929, American author and public speaker) “We are drowning in informationbut starved for knowledge”. In a nutshell, knowledge created can be used productively if it is transferred in a user usable form to solve specific challenges being faced by them.
This blog is an attempt by writers at Vyomus Consulting to share regulatory, science, business, strategy information and insights in the form of user usable knowledge to help businesses in the Medicine, Medical Device, Cosmetics & Wellness, Food & Nutrition industry to evolve into more productive, profitable organisations.
This is an effort, which we hope, will help contribute towards changing the business environment for the better and help individuals and businesses utilise latest regulatory information in terms of applicable knowledge.
Let me close this article with this quote from Peter Drucker (for those who do not know who this is – 1909 – 2005, Austrian-born American management consultant) :
There’s no such thing asknowledge management;there are onlyknowledgeable people.Information only becomes knowledgein the hands of someonewho knows what to do with it.

Actionable knowledge for the Medicine, Medical Device, Cosmetics & Wellness, Food & Nutrition industry.